Friday, May 13, 2005

Honoring those left behind

Today I must honor those left behind. Those left behind are those fine novel writers who do not receive any publicity for their work. They are the ones who are self-published, traditionally published or what some would call, published through vanity presses. These writers are the ones you meet at the grocery store with the grim looks on their faces wondering when their words will be heard. These are the ones who are your next door neighbor who you wander why they are unemployed. These are the ones who do not have any political connections or friends in high places. These are the ones who do not have marketable last names, those names that everyone knows about. Their words are elegantly spoken. Their voices can take you to places where you have never been before yet they remain silent. Silent by the publishing industry who do not wish to stand up and take that chance. Their voices remain silent to the various media outlets when they cry out who is that, they cannot improve my ratings. Does anyone important know that person? Remember when you see those sad grim faces that these are great writers who should be honored for their courage in stepping up to the plate even though their plate may remain monetarily empty.


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