Monday, April 18, 2005

What Jake's Mother Do

Jake's mother is eighty years old. She sits all day in the same chair reading the newspaper. She hardly ever leaves that chair. If you pass by her, she says, look at Molly's hair. I know she must dye it because I can see her gray roots. She then starts talking about her mother. At least I can say, out of all of the children my mama has, none of them ever had any sores on their legs. You wonder where that is coming from. Why is she talking like that? What is on her mind? She just keep talking and talking and telling the same stories oveer and over again. She loves to tell the story about the type of man her motheer likes and the type of man she doesn't like. Her mother has been dead for eleven years. She constantly talks about what her father doesn't like in a woman and what he does like. He has been dead for fifty six years. She never opens up too much about her childhood. I wonder what is really hidden deep inside herself. What secrets are she really hiding?


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